Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1993 19:39:27 +0200

      COUNTRY: Denmark
         TOWN: Kokkedal (30 km north of Copenhagen)
         NAME: Erik
      SEX/AGE: Male/29
     LOCATION: Pretty close to buses to Copenhagen.
               Approx. 45 min. to centre of Copenhagen.
   MAX LENGTH: 1 week seems reasonable
     EXPENSES: Food (to some extend) etc.,
               International phone calls, If in doubt ask.
 EXPECTATIONS: Pref. no smoking,
               If in doubt ask.
    LANGUAGES: English/fluent, French/fair, German/less fair,
               Japanese/elementary, Danish/native
     THE HOST: Education- Master's in Engineering (Computer Science)
               Occupation- Part of the network operations team at the
               Danish Computer Centre for Research and Education (UNI-C)
               where I manage email and other services.
      HOBBIES: Cycling, travelling, (Military) history,
               wargames, soccer fan.